Why Winners Win and Losers Lose

Why Winners Win and Losers Lose
“Why do Winners win and Losers lose?”

I'll be direct: 99% of people subconsciously want to lose.

This is a hard truth, but one that wouldn’t be fair to keep hidden for those earnestly seeking an answer.

If this statement angers you as you’re searching for a reason for why you’re spinning your wheels, then it may be even more worth looking into. Cognitive dissonance could be causing an instant emotional reaction that is attacking an irrational belief you may have.

If you’re worried about gaslighting, I have literally NOTHING to gain from writing this. You can stop here if you wish.

The Red Pill Moment

But for those that are curious and want to learn more, here’s a great technical breakdown:  

From my post: "Why People Do What They Do"

People are ridden with irrational beliefs. I was managing some employees at one of my companies and they would tell me, “wE wAnT to wIn!”.

That’s great; so do I, but that’s different than putting in the work and taking the actions necessary to achieve something.

I later watched them turning in blank documents claiming they were done, refusing to work, and despising any other person that had a mindset of winning... 

The paradox of such a situation is so ridiculous to witness firsthand, but if you’ve made it this far, you’ve probably noticed the same: people talking about winning and success, but then engaging in self-sabotaging, loser behavior 

In short: most people subconsciously like to lose…

The Worst Disease 

The worst pandemic is the collective mental masturbation of re-enforcing a subconscious desire to lose. Losers don’t win. Humans tend to glorify incompetence as righteous for whatever reason, ignoring results, then demand sympathy from others afterwards. It's a faux pas to talk about in academic setting or corporate settings where frankly despite being smart, a lot of people still have a subconscious desire to lose...

Even more ironic, they form communities together endlessly pontificating or hypothesizing how they can get out of their situation in an echo chamber of ideas emanating from the exact wrong source. 

Ask yourself if you’re in one of these.

If you are, just walk the hell out of the room. They’ll respect you more for it. 

The Tom Brady Test

Another great tip: 

If anyone also talks about how they hate Tom Brady, 

the greatest NFL quarterback, 

 with 7 Super Bowl rings,

a born winner, 

literally because “he wins too much”, then also shield yourself from that mental cancer (it’s also a great interview question!). 

You'll also notice that if you talk about winners, losers tend to cringe at like holding a cross to a vampire. It's really strange, but very real.


Sports offer an amazing laboratory for testing competition with definitive results. My brother-in-law is an Olympian in Wrestling and has been training at the Olympic training center in Colorado Springs, Co since he was 16. Olympians train the mind just as much as the body. If the mind is no good, then it’s a lost cause. Olympians actively visualize, closely monitor their self-talk, and even hire hypnotists/sports psychologists. 

If you have any doubts in this principle, pick up any combat sport like boxing and go in with a loser mindset and low confidence. After getting beat up, you'll wake up to this universal law.

Cus D'Amato, the legendary coach of Mike Tyson said boxing is 90% mental.

That’s the level that you need to operate at in every realm of life that you wish to succeed at. Just be prepared to be called meaningless words like “mean” or “arrogant”. Once you can get over that and realize that other winners watch when losers refer to others that way as a sign that they might just be hard-working winners as well, then you’ll embrace it. The naysayers will also respect you for it even if they're bitching the whole time.

Conclusion: The Secret to Being a Winner is not being a Loser

This is an area that I’m very passionate about and continuously have to bring up, so I wrote this piece for convenience. I'll write more about it over time.  

If you feel like this was too much, this isn’t about calling you a loser, it’s about being direct and helping you recognize that you might have subconscious tendencies that are holding you back. A negative affirmation like “I am a loser” is not going to help. I earnestly hope that if this did serve as a wake up call, that it catalyzes a greater self-awareness that you can use to help get what you want.